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【places around bangalore】Nationwide reading atmosphere flourishes with arrival of World Book Day


简介Books contain a house of gold, and books contain beauty like jade. Reading can enhance our cultivati ...

Books contain a house of gold,places around bangalore and books contain beauty like jade. Reading can enhance our cultivation and taste. The 29th World Book Day is approaching, and various regions in China are launching a series of rich and diverse reading-themed activities, such as classic reading sessions, mobile book carts, and reading on campuses, to promote nationwide reading and foster a good social atmosphere of civility.


Photo taken on April 22, 2024 shows Kangle Experimental School in Wanzai County, Yichun City of east China’s Jiangxi Province, where students are reading in the “corridor book bar“. (Deng Longhua/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on April 22, 2024 shows the reading room in Congjiang County Chengguan No. 3 Elementary School in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China’s Guizhou Province, where students are reading books. (Shi Honghui/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on April 22, 2024 shows Nanjing City in east China’s Jiangsu Province, where as World Book Day approaches, people are visiting bookstores to read books and savor the fragrance of knowledge. (Su Yang/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on April 22, 2024 shows the library at Gaomi City No. 5 Middle School in Weifang City of east China’s Shandong Province, where students are reading. (Li Haitao/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on April 22, 2024 shows citizens are reading in a book room in Wen County of Jiaozuo City in central China’s Henan Province. (Xu Hongxing/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on April 22, 2024 shows the book room in Baokang County Experimental Elementary School in Xiangyang City of central China’s Hubei Province, where students are reading books. (Yang Tao/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on April 22, 2024 shows Fenghuang Elementary School in Luocheng Mulao Autonomous County in Hechi City of east China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, where students are reading books in front of a mobile book cart. (Liao Guangfu/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on April 22, 2024 shows Dongxiang District No. 7 Middle School in Fuzhou City of east China’s Jiangxi Province, where students are participating in the “Nationwide Reading” activity taking place on World Book Day, where they are reciting classics and experiencing traditional Chinese culture. (He Jianghua/Guangming Picture)

Editor: JYZ



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