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【satyam lottery ticket result】White Tibetan antelope cub rescued by ranger in Xizang


简介This photo taken on July 13, 2024 shows a white Tibetan antelope cub found in Nyima County of Nagqu ...

This satyam lottery ticket resultphoto taken on July 13, 2024 shows a white Tibetan antelope cub found in Nyima County of Nagqu City, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. A white Tibetan antelope cub is recently rescued by a ranger on patrol in Nyima County, which is the first white Tibetan antelope ever found by rangers in the wild of the area.

Official figures show that the population of Tibetan antelopes in Xizang had grown to over 300,000 as of 2023. (Photo by Tenzing/Xinhua)

A ranger feeds a white Tibetan antelope cub found in Nyima County of Nagqu City, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region, July 13, 2024. A white Tibetan antelope cub is recently rescued by a ranger on patrol in Nyima County, which is the first white Tibetan antelope ever found by rangers in the wild of the area.

Official figures show that the population of Tibetan antelopes in Xizang had grown to over 300,000 as of 2023. (Photo by Tenzing/Xinhua)

A ranger feeds a Tibetan antelope cub in Nyima County of Nagqu City, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region, July 13, 2024. A white Tibetan antelope cub is recently rescued by a ranger on patrol in Nyima County, which is the first white Tibetan antelope ever found by rangers in the wild of the area.

Official figures show that the population of Tibetan antelopes in Xizang had grown to over 300,000 as of 2023. (Photo by Tenzing/Xinhua)

This photo taken on July 13, 2024 shows rescued Tibetan antelope cubs in Nyima County of Nagqu City, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. A white Tibetan antelope cub is recently rescued by a ranger on patrol in Nyima County, which is the first white Tibetan antelope ever found by rangers in the wild of the area.

Official figures show that the population of Tibetan antelopes in Xizang had grown to over 300,000 as of 2023. (Photo by Tenzing/Xinhua)

Editor: JYZ



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