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【rummycircle website】Study shows Portugal Emerging as Global Data Interconnection Hub


简介LISBON, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Portugal is rapidly becoming a central player in global data interconnect ...

LISBON,rummycircle website Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Portugal is rapidly becoming a central player in global data interconnection, thanks to its unique 100-kilometer network infrastructure of submarine cables, Internet Exchange points, and data centers, according to a local news report on Sunday.

Portuguese News cites a recent study commissioned by DE-CIX, the world's leading Internet Exchange (IX) operator, saying that Portugal, especially through investments in Sines, has established itself as a viable alternative to traditional European interconnection hubs like Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, Paris, and Stockholm (FLAPS).

Lisbon stands out for its direct submarine cable connections across the Atlantic to South America and soon to the East Coast of the United States, distinguishing it from cities like London and Frankfurt, said the study.

The study also notes that IP transit connectivity prices in Portugal have decreased, offering competitive rates in the European market, while the thriving ecosystem of submarine and terrestrial cables, coupled with significant investments in data centers, has positioned Portugal as a key connector between various global regions and Europe.

As of early 2024, Portugal boasts 33 data centers, with 20 located near Lisbon.

The Portugese News also said the Atlantic Convergence conference is expected to be held in Lisbon on Oct.1-3, organized by DE-CIX in partnership with Atlas Edge, EllaLink, and Interfiber Networks.

Editor: WRX



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